Monday, September 10, 2012


Well ladies, I have recently decided that my va-ja-ja doctor is my new best friend and my bank account's worst enemy... My most recent visit to the doctor confirmed their standings  when I realized I can't get anywhere without my awesome doctor but my limited budget won't allow me to visit as often as I need. I like to hope that most women with highly dysfunctional uteruses aren't in a similar spot but I realize that this hope is probably irrational. Let me start with a little background on my super exciting husband and I are both full time students and working part time with no insurance which allows little wiggle room for any luxuries like specialized dysfunctional uterus doctors. What room I am given for these exciting visits will only grant me 3-4 months of blood test, meds and doctor visits. In those months we'll spend around $700-$800 dollars just to get poked none stop by pretty much anything you can think of and receiving little to no positive results so far (thanks uterus you're super)! So my motivation to continue to work for the ultimate gift of a child is limited by the small amount of resources we can scrape up and my tolerance for my favorite frienemy, my uterus. Thanks to my specialized doctor I have now started a running tab that my future children will pay back =] This situation is what leads me to my current stalemate...I can't have kids without my doctor which I cant pay for very often which means that I have slim to no chance of catching the prego disease. Yay to being poor and infertile! I guess I'm still young, right?! On the upside I know one of my sistas out there can definitely afford to have at least four different va-ja-ja doctors, woot woot for her! Khloe Kardashian recently taped some footage of her visiting a fertility doctor that proceed to tell her she doesn't ovulate. WELCOME TO THE CLUB KHLOE K!!! It seems like our coming-out-of-the-uterus club is getting bigger! As a side not my husband was watching this show with me and leaned over to tell me "At least you're not the only one who can't ovulate!!" so I responded "Yeah BUT SHE CAN AFFORD TO BUY HERSELF FERTILITY!!!" =] Gotta love him! Well, ladies don't be afraid to leave a comment about your exciting situations and always remember you're not the only one who laughs until she  cries about her highly dysfunctional uterus! 

Sister H 

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