Hello Ladies,
My title may be a little misguiding but I thought it utterly appropriate for the subject of my newest post. To explain, I have recently been on this "kick" of taking lots and lots of vitamins and trying to find foods that will decrease the amount of little buggers on my oh-so-famous ovaries. Through research I have found a few "very" important foods to stay away from and vitamins to ingest regularly....or so Google says =] And let me tell you, after what feels like very thorough research I have nothing left to eat!
Disclaimer: I have not seen a doctor about these "natural" ways but I didnt talk to a pharmacist and she recommended a few of these things as well.
First off, we'll start with vitamins/herbs:
Vitamin B: " important for regulating the role of enzymes, proteins that regulate chemical reactions in the body and convert food to energy."
Vitamin D and Calcium together: "calcium is an important part of egg maturation and normal ovarian
follicular development. For calcium to be absorbed properly in the body,
you must take vitamin D. In addition, women with PCOS who have vitamin
D deficiency have been shown to regain regular menstruation when taking
vitamin D and calcium together."
Vitex (Chasteberry): " It is used for menstrual cycle irregularities, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), a more severe form of PMS called premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), and symptoms of menopause. It is also used for treating “lumpy” (fibrocystic) breasts, female infertility, preventing miscarriage in women with low levels of a hormone called progesterone, controlling bleeding and helping the body force out the placenta after childbirth, and increasing breast milk."
Read more: http://www.webmd.com/vitamins-supplements/ingredientmono-968-CHASTEBERRY.aspx?activeIngredientId=968&activeIngredientName=CHASTEBERRY
Red Raspberry Leaf: " most popular of all fertility herbs. It is a well-known uterine tonic and is also quite high in calcium."
Read more:http://voices.yahoo.com/treating-pcos-vitamins-herbs-82598.html
Red Clovers: "very valuable to the uterus and its high protein content benefits the
whole body. It's also quite high in calcium & magnesium, which relax
the nervous system and help promote fertility. This herb also contains
nearly every trace mineral needed by the glands. Daily use can help
balance hormonal functioning."
Read more: http://voices.yahoo.com/treating-pcos-vitamins-herbs-82598.html
This is where I get to the part of disappearing....
No High Fructose Corn Syrup
No White Flour
No Baked Goods
No Ceareal
No Processed Foods
No Fruit Drinks
Read more: http://www.ehow.com/list_5851584_list-high-fructose-corn-syrup.html
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