Friday, June 22, 2012

"Am I Prego"

  Nope, I’m only a little delusional with a hint of crazy and a dash of hormonal. It always amazes me the ability I have to turn any symptom I may have into an “early sign of pregnancy”, its actually a great power to have. If someone could harness the emotional power a woman holds when those days between the end of Aunt Flow and the beginning of the dreaded but always- know-its-coming next Aunt Flow, they could potentially cure the world of it's problems. If you sat down and actually thought about how good you are at convincing yourself that you may be prego because you think you had tender boobs 2 days and 4 hours ago, how do you think you would do in the White House trying to convince a man that his idea is wrong and yours is right? Yeah, I know women could take over the world if they took the power of persuasion they possess during that long wait for Shark Week (aka Aunt Flow week) and use it towards a good cause. I think my favorite could-be-prego symptom is the “Oh I feel a slight queasiness this morning” but then I realize NOPE I just took my sugar-hating metformin without enough food so now I’m going to drown in my grief and console myself with a pound of Herseys chocolate. Don’t worry, I stay out of the public eye so that I can keep my image of being a sane, skinny person alive. I relish the thought that I am not the only one that frantically Googles just about anything that may seem slightly out of the ordinary during my day. My husband has now put a lock on the Google website…I no longer have the privilege of looking up my symptoms but I did harness my emotional power and had a friend look it up for me=] Clever I know! This does not change that fact that any little difference in my body could possibly mean that my highly dysfunctional uterus has finally started to act like it is apart of my body. But hey what else are us infertiles going to do with all this extra time we have, since we don't have kids, but to Google unnecessary symptoms and live vicariously through the internet and our "potential" fertility? Aw the good life =] Well, ladies another week to look forward to and another day of potential! I hope y'all have enjoyed yourself so far and also found that you can relate to someone in a similar situation! Always remember you're not the only one who cries until shes laughs about her highly dysfunctional uterus =]

Sister H


  1. I'm so glad I stumbled upon you two!! I have been reading your posts and I just am so grateful! I finally have someone that understands EXACTLY what I am going through. And can I tell you, every dang month before Aunt Flo comes, I convince myself that every symptom is a sign! Its so good to have you guys!

    1. Hi Jenessa!
      We are so glad you found us too! We hope that you can find some happiness and humor in our stories and we would love to hear yours as well. Ya know between the both of us we have pretty much gone through and done it all it seems! Don't ever feel like you're alone because sista we are always here for you! You let us know if you ever need anything =]
      Sister H
